I guess the first item of news is that I decided to take the cruise. I will be sailing on the mrs. Westerdam from May through December. Come visit me! As such, I'll be taking the next semester off and living at home for a while. That should be nice.
Drowsy Chaperone is still playing and its a BLAST! Don't miss it! I still haven't gone on for the Man in the Chair, but maybe one day...and maybe never. But nonetheless I love the cast, I love the show, and its so much fun.
This week/month have been killer in school. Assignments, midterms, my show, rehearsals, etc. have been eating away at me. I feel like I'm either in a class, at my show, or in the Library. I don't really have much free time right now. I guess that can be a good thing. I just need this week to be over. :)
Besides that, I'm alive, and I'm here, and I'm just keepin' on keepin' on. I'd love any support you can give me...text, email, fb, comments on here. If anyone even reads this. HAHA